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The Women of IE Sports Radio: An Inside Perspective

Writer's picture: IE Sports RadioIE Sports Radio

By: Passionate Buffalo Bills fan, Patti Bax

Original Date: 11/20/23

Hello sports fans, and welcome back to the IE Sports Radio blog. IESR, your direct feed for all that is sports, is a family of talented sports enthusiasts and podcasters, dedicated to the love of the game. Within our family is a unique and passionate group of female sports fans, who eat, live, and breathe everything about their beloved teams. In this blog, you will learn more about some of the “Female Squad” of IE Sports Radio: Jenn B., host of The Show of the Land W/Jenn B. and Angela, Head of PR Department for IE Sports Radio, Cecilia, co-host of The Sports Couple Perspectives W/Cecilia & Larry B., and yours truly, Patti B., Host of the Buffalo Huddle W/Patti Bax.

Jenn was born into a family of sports fanatics. “My parents were HUGE Cleveland Sports fans. They were also season ticket holders before the move in ’95 to the Browns. We went to many Indians games as well, since my brother played baseball and I played softball.”

Angela grew up with sports always in her life. “My brother played soccer from the time I was a baby, so I grew up on a soccer field. My parents had season tickets to East Carolina University (ECU) football games growing up, so I basically grew up going to football games. With an older brother, ESPN lived on our TV, so I watched with him and fell in love with sports.” Her favorite teams are College- East Carolina University Pirates (ECU) NFL- Arizona Cardinals MLB- Atlanta Braves NHL- Carolina Hurricanes NBA- Los Angles Lakers MLS- LA Galaxy and DC United NWSL- North Carolina Courage.

Cecilia has a baseball pedigree. “That is the only sport my dad watched, and so I am a Dodger’s fan, and ever since then, I’ve been interested in sports.” She’s been watching more sports, thanks to her husband and founder of IE Sports Radio, Larry B., and she’s now venturing into football.

For me, the genesis of my love for sports came from my mom. She often described herself as a tomboy, growing up as the 2nd youngest of ten children on a dairy farm in Western Pennsylvania. She loved besting the boys in basketball. With her skills, she could have been a power forward in the WNBA. A Steelers fan, she adopted the Bills when we moved to Niagara Falls. I never really enjoyed participatory sports and preferred to stay in the background in high school gym class. I was a cheerleader in grade school, honing my vocal skills as a future Bills fan. I always loved watching the Bills and Sabres on TV, and was beyond thrilled when I went to my first Bills game with my mom and dad.

Jenn’s favorite part of being a sports fan is the anticipation and excitement that surrounds sporting events. “It gives me something to focus energy on that I don’t have to worry about. I have no control over it, it’s purely for enjoyment (and many times, frustration)! Jenn’s favorite teams are the Browns, Guardians, Cavs & OSU Buckeyes. She is also starting to get into the Columbus Crew & Blue Jackets.

Angela loves being a sports fan because of the people she meets. “From working in sports, to being a part of IE Sports Radio, to cheering for my favorite teams, I just love meeting new people; people who are passionate about their teams just as much as I am. I’ve met so many people who are now like family to me through sports.”

Cecilia appreciates watching a game she loves and rooting for her team. “I also enjoy that there is a community with other people who have the same favorite team and get to enjoy the highs and lows of when the team wins or loses. Having a favorite team can also be a stress relief from the day and just in life for a little bit, which is good.” Her favorite teams are the Dodgers, Angels, and Raiders among others.

My favorite part of being a fan is knowing there is always hope. Much of sports mirrors real life and there are many lessons we learn which we can apply to coping with the roller coaster of everyday living. As a sports fan, you go through the highs and lows, the tears of joy and tears of sadness, always knowing there is a next time. There is nothing like the bond between fans, especially when complete strangers become family, connected by their love for the players, coaches, staff, and one another.

As one of the newest members of the IE Sports Radio family, Jenn enjoys having something to do in her free time that is still somewhat structured. She loves talking about her teams. When Larry first approached her to join IE Sports Radio, she was trying to find a hobby. “My husband is a cook, so he works a lot of nights, leaving me home with nothing to do. I also enjoy the feedback and banter between fans of other teams/cities!”

What Angela loves most about the IESR family is we are just that, a family. “We love big, we cheer each other on, and even when our teams play each other, we trash talk in a friendly way. Everyone is so supportive of each other.”

Cecilia never thought she would be on a podcast. “I low key wanted to do something like this, but never looked into it. Meeting Larry and sharing a podcast is awesome. I have fun doing it and I am glad Larry has me as a part of our podcasts. I can’t wait for it to continue to grow.”

When asked what message all these fabulous women have for other female fans or any women who want to become a fan, everyone was quick to respond. “Do it! It’s so much fun and you’d be amazed how many people are shocked when a female has sports knowledge,” Jenn said.  “Be warned though, it’s not for the faint of heart!”

Angela shared, “Never be afraid to show who you really are. I was a cheerleader in middle school and a baton twirler in high school just so I could be close to football since I wasn’t allowed to play. Put your favorite jersey on to support your team. Just be you. Try going to a local college or minor league team and see how you like it. You never know you could end up being a passionate fan, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Sports is not just for men, but for women too. We need more women in sports, from working, playing, and cheering in the stands.”

For Cecilia, she believes females who are already sports fans should continue to be fans, not caring if anyone else agrees with their choices. “As long as you are happy with your favorite teams, then it is all that matters. Women who want to become a fan of any sport, just do it, if you been wanting to get into baseball or football or any sport.” She recommends starting to explore it, getting to know the rules, and asking questions. “There is nothing wrong about not knowing how the sport is played. Once you get the gist of the sport, you can decide if you like it or not. There are plenty of sports to enjoy, and don’t let anyone discourage you.”

The best way for me to share my message to other female fans is through poetry.

The love of sports is for all to share.

Men, women, youth…we all can care.

For sports give us more than we can ever imagine in life.

It teaches us lasting lessons in good times and times of strife.

If you are a female sports fan, follow your heart and embrace sports as a gift.

Regardless of wins and losses, sports will give you a lift.

Through our love of sports, we gain friendships and memories to treasure.

Sharing our passion, knowledge, and being part of the IE Sports Radio family, is our shared endeavor.

As Cecilia says, “Sports are not just for men, they are for both men and women to enjoy and appreciate the game, the sport, and the athletes.” Thank you for taking time to read my blog. I welcome your thoughts and comments, and feel free to follow me on X at @BuffaloHudl_IE. I also encourage you to follow Jenn (@BelievelandGirl), Angela (@AZcardsprincess), and Cecilia (TSCP_IESR). For more sports content, join in the fun by listening to all of our awesome shows. Huddle up with me on Tuesday nights at 7pm EST, for The Buffalo Huddle W/Patti Bax! We will see you next time on IE Sports Radio; your direct feed for ALL that is sports.

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